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COVID Corner

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Ways to be active indoors


A healthy body, a healthy mind - The first thing that we need to remember about how to be active is to have a source of motivation. The best and easiest cause for motivation available right now is to improve immunity.


Maintaining cleanliness is the basic way to be active by keeping the house clean. Sweeping the floors and wiping it is the best kind of cardio workout. Other than that cleaning shelves that are high up can also be a form of exercise.


Something that will help with exercise and relaxation is doing yoga. This will help you calm yourself down as well as increase concentration. It is also proved to help with mindfulness.


You can also go online and learn to do Zumba from the various YouTube channels that are available. The basic motive of exercising is to help release endorphins which help to reduce stress and depression and makes us feel relaxed and happy. We also have to make sure that we give our brain enough stimulation as well. This can be done through yoga, believe it or not.


Another way to go about it is to read a variety of books on various topics and solving riddles and brain-teasers so as to flex the brain muscles. Learning a new way to do something will also help with the brain-power.


These things will also help us in keeping dark and extremely worrying thoughts out of our mind and keep us actively occupied in doing something constructive.


Remember to keep both the mind and the body active because when these work in tandem, we get the healthiest life possible


Article by: Nitya Sharma

Edited by: Atri Das

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Finding a new job and dealing with layoff

Covid 19 outbreak has been a novel condition worldwide leading to significant disruption and instability in employement all over. There have been quite a few layoffs in the IT sector, financial services, automobile and startup sectors, among others.

Some companies like Swiggy, Zomato, and Airbnb, although downsizing, are providing outplacement which is helpful for employees.

It is extremely hard to deal with a layoff, which is a temporary or permanent discharge of an employee and one needs time and support to get back on track. It is okay to be hurt, overwhelmed and stressed over it. It is not a reflection of your personal skills but a result of prevailing circumstances. Try not to throw a tantrum in the office or on social media as your future employers might ask for a recommendation from the previous employer or check your social media. Therefore it is essential to be smart and proactive and end it on a positive note.


Remain positive and be transparent with your family. Maintain supportive social relationships letting your social circle (including former colleagues and bosses) know that you are looking for jobs. Personal networks can become an individual's biggest strength since they can notify one about new job developments or provide personal references.


It is desirable to boost and hone a set of fresh skills to find new chances. Online certified courses are a very good way of learning and building additional skills. Keep reasonable expectations, motivate yourself and seek help if needed.


Get active on professional social networks like LinkedIn, Eventbrite, etc which will help you get noticed. In the current situation most companies have gone digital with focus on new kind of consumer behaviour, digitisation and performance based culture. It is imperative to be flexible and be open to adjusting job goals and pursuing contemporary job opportunities that are available. Temporary or freelance work could also serve the purpose in the moment.


As the outbreak is stretching longer the job landscape is changing giving way to job interviews over phone and video. So it is essential to get comfortable with technology.


Article by - Rupal Sorkhel

Edited by - Atri Das


What is covid streSs?


The corona virus outbreak has sent most of us in a constant state of jittery and anxiety. Every other day we hear of the miserable conditions caused as a result of the outspread of the virus.


Considering the worrying scenario and the unfortunate ineffectiveness to contain the virus, it is only natural that we experience such worrying states. The pandemic has left people separated from their loved ones which prevents communication and social bonding. This alone has become a major concern for many of us because we are all social beings who need to socialise for the gratification of our affiliation needs.


Friends are unable to meet one another, family members are stuck in some other part of the city, festivals come and go without any social gatherings. There are individuals who are rendered unemployed as a direct consequence of the virus. Lack of income in the family adds another reason to spiral up the stress.


There is a lot of difficulty faced when managing small children at home and keeping them indoors, politely making them understand why they need to stay at home. Children themselves must be tired and weary of all of this because they are little kids who mostly enjoy playing with their friends outside, and this confinement causes them to feel both angry and sad.


Underprivileged and less fortunate people like daily-wage earners, migrant workers, domestic workers feel all the more dejected because they have lost their only means of livelihood and they have nowhere to turn for help. The uncertainty of the situation, as to when this nightmare-come-true will end has spiked up feelings of anxiety and fear amongst people.


As the days pass by, all of this makes us even more anxious and panicky and if this continues for long-term, it can have detrimental effects. Hence, it is essential that we discover ways to shield ourselves from the anxiety and nervousness instigated by the pandemic.


We do not have any control over the pandemic but we have control on how we deal with it!


Article  by - Arhama Shams Sheikh

Edited by - Atri Das

The Pandemic has glued many of us to emotional distress and anxiety. Every age group is processing the crisis in a different way. In these times of difficulty we all need to be emotionally supportive and show emotional support to others by offering genuine encouragement, reassurance, and compassion. We may


1. CHECK ON THEM- try calling them up and begin with some general questions like -

"How are you? Would you like to talk?"

"How have you been holding up these days?"


2.LISTEN- It's not enough to simply ask questions. Listening empathically, is another important part of providing emotional support.Using good listening skills shows others that you care about them.


3.AVOID JUDGMENT - Take care to keep notes of disapproval out of your voice by focusing on feelings like sympathy and compassion when you speak to the people who are in need .


4.PLAN A DISTRACTING ACTIVITY- You can come up with a few ideas to take their mind off their troubles. Aim for a fun, low-key activity virtually on social media platforms or play online video games with them or take part in certain interesting webinars or certified courses.


Emotional support isn't tangible, though when we offer emotional support to others, we convey them that they are not alone. Over time, this message also may have even more of a positive impact on emotional health than temporary mood-boosters or forms of support. Hence, it is really essential for each and every human being of our society to stand by each other and provide a little support during this uncertain situation.


Article by - Neha Das

Edited by - Atri Das


Woman Working from Home

Since the last few months, we have had to bring about changes in every sphere of life, work life being one of the major areas affected by this change.


Most of our work is being conducted on Zoom or any other online platform and while we are grateful for such platforms, it is quite difficult for many to understand and make use of these to the fullest.


Many teachers, for example, are now compelled to bring about a complete change in their style of teaching, which is a huge blow to their self-confidence and morale. With the economy hitting a new low, many people are or are afraid of losing their jobs which is affecting their productivity and causing undue stress.


Check out some ways in which job stress may be dealt with in an effective way! 

Few ways in which job stress may be dealt with in an effective way are as follows:


1. Try to communicate with your co-workers, supervisors and colleagues about your job stress. Sharing your stress with people involved in the same job, and probably going through the same thing, goes a long way in reducing it. If even after that you feel anxious or overwhelmed, try to take some time off and consult mental health professionals in your workplace or outside. Now many online counselling options are available.


2. There’ll probably be certain things you won’t have control over. Don’t let that affect your morale.Try to make the best out of the resources you have. Take what is important and filter out the rest. 


3. Try to plan out your daily routine, allotting sufficient time to each task. Be practical while doing this. Don’t aim for completion of too many tasks within a short time span. Be lenient on yourself while making the routine. This routine will help you understand how much time you have got for each task. Apply the 'Do it now" and 'Eat that frog' technique. 


4. Include some ‘me’ time in your routine. You can take up any activity of your liking (such as, journaling, reading, cooking etc) or simply take a nap to unwind yourself. Listening to music can go a long way in relieving you of this stress.


5. Maintain a regular sleep schedule. Do not compromise on your sleep. You can try sleep meditation, sources of which are readily available online, to divert your mind from work.


6. Avoid working continuously. Take breaks in between and try engaging yourself in light exercises or catching up with your friends and colleagues during that time period. DO some stretching, drinking water as frequently as possible. 


7. Practice mindfulness techniques. Get creative with your work and share tips with co-workers on what’s working well for you. This might encourage them and reduce their stress as well.


Dealing with job stress is a joint effort from both the side of the employee and that of the employer. The employer should make efforts to be understanding and cooperative in order to overcome the stress associated with the pandemic. Try to have clear detailed conversations in order to avoid miscommunication which generally happens where there is lack of human contact.


Article by - Paromita Ray

Edited by - Atri Das


SYMPTOMS & effects OF COVID-19


  1. Sore Throat

  2. Cough, Fever, Headaches

  3. Acute respiratory problems

  4. Shortness of breath

  5. Pneumonia

  6. Fatigue

  7. Loss of taste and smel

  8. Kidney Failure




Article by- Adrita Chowdhury

Edited by - Atri Das


  1. Insomnia

  2. Impaired attention and altered consciousness

  3. Anxiety

  4. Memory loss

  5. Distress-depression, helplessness, uselessness and confusion

  6. Irritability and aggression

  7. Other causes which can give rise to psychological illnesses-

  • Fear of infecting family members

  • Economic and financial tension

  • Shortages of needed resources (food, medicines and such)


  1. Cytokine storm- body’s immune system goes into a potentially fatal overdrive and leads to multi-organ failure

  2. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

  3. Recovered patients or their family members can suffer from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) in the fear of survival, rejection coming from the society.

  4. Dementia like syndrome, dizziness

  5. Mood disorder

  6. Psychosis

  7. Impaired memory and concentration

  8. Hallucinations

  9. Hypertension





A small virus is playing havoc with minds, body, and the world economy. With so many people getting affected every single day, our stress levels have shot up and we are experiencing more mental breakdowns and mood swings as days pass. Taking care of our friends and our family can be a stress reliever, but it should be balanced with self care. Understanding the risk to ourselves and people we care about can help us connect with others and make an outbreak less stressful.


Some healthy ways to cope with stress


‡ Know what to do if you are sick and are concerned about COVID-19. Contact a health professional before you start any self-treatment for COVID-19.


‡ Stick to trustworthy sources such as the CDC, the World Health Organization, and your local public health authorities.


‡ Know where and how to get treatment and other support services and resources, including counselling or therapy (in person or through telehealth services).


‡ Take care of your emotional health. Taking care of your emotional health will help you think clearly and react to the urgent needs to protect yourself and your family.


‡ Step away from media if you start feeling overwhelmed. If anxiety is an ongoing issue, consider limiting your media consumption to a specific time frame and time of day (e.g. thirty minutes each evening at 6 pm).


‡ Take care of your body.

o Take deep breaths, stretch,

o Try to eat healthy, well-balanced meals.

o Exercise regularly.

o Get plenty of sleep.

o Avoid excessive alcohol and drug use.


‡ Make time to unwind. Try to do some other activities you enjoy or just sit quietly and reflect.


‡ Connect with others. Talk with people you trust about your concerns and how you are feeling.


‡ Connect with your community- or faith-based organizations. While social distancing measures are in place, consider connecting online, through social media, or by phone or mail.


‡ Be careful what you share. Do your best to verify information before passing it Rn.


We all need to do our part to avoid spreading rumours and creating unnecessary panic.


Prepare, Don't Panic.


Article by - Adrita Chowdhury 

Edited by- Atri Das

Crowd with Masks



In these challenging times of Covid-19 we can say communication too has taken a new direction amongst all the other lifestyle changes. There has been a change in lifestyle which was unprecedented and difficult to cope with initially, but with time better measures were taken out. Communication with our close ones along with professional meetings have started being held over apps such as zoom, google meet and even on Whatsapp, telephonic calls skyrocketed since people could not meet anymore and video calls definitely topped the charts. A time when mental breakdowns are happening ever rapidly and people are craving to talk and be helped the following points can be helpful for smoother and better communication:-


1. Be clear and focus on the facts. These times are uncertain, and emotions are high, misinformation can take hold. So, ensure you focus on facts rather than conjecture. There are plenty of places people can go to obtain information about what might be true. Be sure you are a source that is factual.


2. Be relevant and be redundant. Share things which are relatable. People with whom you communicate regularly will appreciate messages which are relevant to what they are concerned with at that moment. 


3. Be understanding and empathetic. Let people know you are listening and you care. While you may not be able to change things, but you can express your knowledge helping their challenges as well as your compassion for their struggles. Acknowledge these while allowing people's discomfort.


4. Unite people. In the same way you communicate when you are on a journey with people, reinforce the company with your words to make them believe that the group or the team is in it together.


5. Provide the big picture. During times of uncertainty people's perspective can narrow and they can become very focused on themselves or their immediate needs. Remind them of context and the bigger picture.


6. Be human. Especially in times of stress or unease, people want to know messages are from people, not robots. While you may not focus here³after all, your challenges will be different than those of others and focus should not be on you. It's okay to acknowledge that you too have questions and are working through things. 


Article by - Bipasha Banerjee

Edited by - Atri Das




First, you hear about the disease and get scared. Then, when you find yourself in the middle of it, your own situation worsens. And when you overcome it all and come home, people avoid you and your family.”


This is what a 62-year old survivor from Noida reported after she recovered.


We all fear social alienation. And the current coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has elevated the fear even more. When we are ill, we look forward to find support from friends and family. But in this case, the infected people are actually shut out by others due to fear of contamination, thus, making them feel alone.


There has been a case in New Delhi were many ‘fled’ from quarantine facilities as they felt claustrophobic and extremely alienated from their families and friends. They could not accept the fact that they could not be near their loved ones.


Apprehending their death, and suffering from loneliness, many COVID-19 patients develops various other psychological disorders. A child in a quarantine facility, away from her/his mother for weeks, may develop Separation Anxiety disorder, or even Depression.


There are ways to deal with the fear of social isolation:


Maintain a daily routine. A daily routine will help us keep ourselves busy and take our minds off from contemplating situations.


Avoid watching exaggerated and scary stories and news regarding the Corona pandemic. This news just pulls down our positivity, which is very necessary for a patient who is actually secluded from everyone.


Meditation and yoga are excellent time pass for COVID patients as these activities help reduce stress and calm our minds.


Staying in touch with family and friends through virtual media platforms is the best way to diminish the alienation scare.


As a patient its very important to keep the hope and self- dependency up. A good way to do that is by checking the increasing number of people recovering. That would give a patient great chance to recover as they find self-belief.


The fear of alienation and the paranoia caused by the virus would look nothing but a mere obsession of negative thoughts. We just need to keep in mind that if we are carrying the virus, then keeping ourselves socially alienated is going to protect those who we care for. A virus may cause death, but we cannot let it cause a hindrance a normal, mentally healthy life.


Article by - Sumedha Ghosh

Edited by - Atri Das

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